Tag: substance use disorder

 Honoring Fathers During Men’s Health Month: The Impact of Substance Misuse

June is Men’s Health Month, a time dedicated to raising awareness about the health challenges men face and encouraging them to take proactive steps toward better well-being. June also marks Father’s Day, a day to celebrate and honor the significant role fathers play in their children’s lives. Fathers are not just caregivers; they are role models, guides, and pillars of strength for their families. The influence of ... Continue Reading »

 Navigating Social Health Challenges as a Teen: A Guide for Parents

Finding ways to cope with social health issues as a teen can be challenging. Adolescence is a critical period of development, and teens often face unique pressures related to school, peer relationships, and self-identity. As a parent, you have a powerful role in guiding your teen through these challenges and helping them develop healthy coping mechanisms.

Start the Conversation

One of the most effective ways to ... Continue Reading »

Promoting Mental Health Awareness and Substance Misuse Education for Teens

May is Mental Health Awareness Month, a time to shine a light on the importance of mental well-being and the resources available to support it. In the realm of teen mental health, addressing substance misuse is a critical component that often goes hand in hand. Teenagers face unique challenges today, from academic pressures to social media influences. These stressors can contribute to mental health issues and, in some cases, lead ... Continue Reading »

Monitoring Prescription Drug Use: A Crucial Step in Combating Substance Misuse

Prescription medications play a vital role in managing various health conditions, providing relief from pain, and improving overall well-being. However, the misuse of prescription drugs has become a growing concern, contributing to the broader issue of substance misuse. This article explores the importance of monitoring prescription drug use and its ties to substance misuse, emphasizing the need for a comprehensive approach to address this complex issue. 1. Rising Concerns of Prescription Continue Reading »

Empowering Educators: Tips for Fostering Positive Decision-Making in Students

As educators, shaping young minds goes beyond academic knowledge—it involves nurturing essential life skills. One crucial skill is decision-making, and fostering a positive approach to it can significantly impact a student’s future. Here are some valuable tips for educators to promote positive decision-making in their students. These tips are also helpful for parents to brush up on for a united front. 1. Create a Supportive Environment: Foster a classroom ... Continue Reading »

Celebrating Victories and Nurturing Resilience: A Year-End Reflection on Substance Misuse Prevention

As we approach the end of the year, it’s crucial to reflect on the victories, both big and small, in our collective efforts to prevent substance misuse among West Virginia’s youth. At GameChanger, our commitment to fostering positive change remains unwavering, and we believe that celebrating these successes is an essential part of our journey. Reflecting on the Wins: Throughout the year, GameChanger has witnessed and contributed to ... Continue Reading »

The Silent Sufferers: How Parental Substance Abuse Impacts Kids

Parental substance abuse is an alarming societal issue with far-reaching consequences, and its impact on children is both profound and enduring. Children growing up in homes where one or both parents struggle with substance abuse face a plethora of physical, emotional, and developmental challenges. According to the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), approximately 25% of American children have been exposed to parental substance abuse at some point in ... Continue Reading »

Understanding the Ten Risk Factors for Addiction

Addiction is a complex and multifaceted issue that can impact individuals from all walks of life. It’s not solely a matter of weak willpower; rather, addiction arises from a combination of genetic, environmental, and psychological factors. By understanding the risk factors associated with addiction, we can take proactive steps to prevent its development and provide better support to those who may be at risk. Look at the ten key ... Continue Reading »

6 signs you could benefit from talk therapy

At GameChanger, we believe prevention and early intervention are keys to curbing the opioid crisis. Considering youths and teens struggling with mental health illnesses are twice as likely to develop addiction, prevention often starts with reaching out for professional help (1). But how can you tell if you need it— and where do you find it? Let’s discuss six signs you could benefit from talk therapy and where to start ... Continue Reading »

Is Addiction Hereditary?

Research suggests as much as half of a person’s risk for developing addiction depends on genetics (1). If nearly 50 percent of addiction risk boils down to biology, does this mean addiction is hereditary and unpreventable? Not entirely. Let’s explore “addiction genes,” why substance use is more than your DNA, and what you can do to prevent it.

Are there Addiction Genes?

When scientists refer to “... Continue Reading »
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