Month: November 2023


We are the GameChangers from Wheeling Park High School! We are students leading the fight to change the game on substance misuse in our area high schools and elementary schools. Sadly, we have seen the devastating impact of dangerous substances in our community. Just this summer, alcohol played a role in a death of one our fellow students. This and countless other substance misuse tragedies should never be happening here ... Continue Reading »

Building a Bright Future: 5 Tips for Fostering a Healthy Lifestyle in Kids to Prevent Substance Abuse

Creating a healthy lifestyle for kids is essential for reducing the risk of substance abuse disorders down the line. Here are five tips to help you promote a healthy lifestyle for children: 1. Build Resilience and Coping Skills: The Child Mind Institute emphasizes the importance of teaching children coping skills to deal with stress and peer pressure. Building resilience equips them to face challenges without turning to substance abuse as a ... Continue Reading »

The Silent Sufferers: How Parental Substance Abuse Impacts Kids

Parental substance abuse is an alarming societal issue with far-reaching consequences, and its impact on children is both profound and enduring. Children growing up in homes where one or both parents struggle with substance abuse face a plethora of physical, emotional, and developmental challenges. According to the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), approximately 25% of American children have been exposed to parental substance abuse at some point in ... Continue Reading »
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